Ascend Summit 2024:
Powering the Energy Transition

Thanks for joining us Sept 30 - Oct 2, 2024 in Boulder, CO!

The Ascend Summit brings together prominent electric power experts to offer new perspectives on wholesale electricity markets, resource planning, green energy purchasing, battery storage, and merchant portfolio management.

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dates to be announced!

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2024 Ascend Summit Venue:

Room Block Rate Available

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2024 Summit Agenda

About the Summit

The wide-scale adoption of renewable energy continues to create unprecedented structural change in energy supply. The Ascend Summit explores how to maximize the value of renewable project development and clean energy procurement by:

  • Capturing the value under a supply pinch: when the capacity pendulum swings short
  • Maintaining power system reliability and improving resiliency with greater renewable production
  • Securing revenue guarantees via innovative insurance structures
  • Assessing PPA market conditions and M&A transaction values
  • Maximizing asset performance with bid optimization

Conference Learning Outcomes

  • PPA and M&A - contracts and asset sales pricing and conditions
  • Approaches to assess power system reliability with renewables & storage
  • Best practices for transitioning to 24x7 green power procurement
  • Bid optimization and operations strategies for storage and hybids
  • Market outlook, expectations, and geospatial dynamics of opportunity identification

Who Should Attend

Professionals involved in utility and power planning, clean energy procurement, power development, and project financing including:

  • Utility Power Planners
  • Renewables + Energy Storage Developers
  • Corporate Off-Takers
  • Power Operations Managers
  • Investors in Clean Power
  • Power Supply and Market Analysts
  • Power Reliability Analysts

Pre-Conference - Day 1 | September 30, 2024

Take a deep dive into the exigent drivers for valuation, commercial structuring, and power procurement planning by attending Ascend’s pre-conference workshops.

Registration for Pre/Post Summit Workshops is required to attend.

8:00am - 9:00am


9:00am - 11:45am

Pre-Summit Workshops

Workshop A:

How to Build Value for Storage and Renewable Assets

Workshop B:

Commercial Origination, Portfolio Management & Budgeting: Gain Clarity and Confidence in Market Operations

Workshop C:

Clean Power Supply Procurement & Reliability Planning: Partnering for Better Outcomes

Workshop A

How to Build Value for Storage and Renewable Assets

Michael Fisher, PhD, Director of Valuation Services, Ascend Analytics
Rahm Orenstein
, Managing Director of Ascend Energy Exchange, Ascend Analytics
Shlomy Goffri, PhD
, VP of Valuation & Portfolio Management, Ascend Analytics

  • Review forecast fundamentals: Alignment to a rational economic equilibrium
  • Discuss key value and risk drivers for storage: How value can be enhanced from advanced convergence bidding and offtake structures, including the Ascend EnSurance revenue guarantee
  • Share recent M&A market trends
  • Demonstrate modeling with BatterySIMM: Configure studies for standalone and hybrid resources, overlay common forms of offtake and hedging contracts, view results, and mapping tools

Workshop B

Commercial Origination, Portfolio Management & Budgeting: Gain Clarity and Confidence in Market Operations

Carlos Blanco, PhD, Chief of Risk Analysis, Ascend Analytics
Zach Brode, Director of Analytics & Strategy, Ascend Analytics
Carley Dolch
, Business Development Director, Ascend Analytics
Orlando Vilar, PhD
, Senior Energy Analyst, Ascend Analytics

  • Confidently budget, manage the portfolios, and track performance
  • Quantify risk to make informed decisions as you plan for expanded capacity
  • Understand the basics and advanced strategies through a case study model

Workshop C

Clean Power Supply Procurement & Reliability Planning: Partnering for Better Outcomes

Brandon Mauch, PhD, Managing Director of Operations & Strategy, Ascend Analytics
Paul Eory, Director of Resource Planning, Ascend Analytics
Ben Anderson
, Resource Planning Manager, Ascend Analytics

  • Gain a holistic view of planning and procurement in service of reliable clean energy
  • Review resource adequacy analysis with high levels of renewables and model capacity expansion for a clean energy portfolio

11:45am - 1:00pm

Lunch provided for Workshop attendees

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Main Conference - Day 1 | September 30, 2024

1:00pm - 1:15pm

Opening Remarks: Opportunities for New Supply to Rationally Realize the Energy Transition

Dr. Gary Dorris, CEO, Ascend Analytics

1:15pm - 2:15pm

Keynote: Prospects and Pitfalls for the Energy Transition

Pathways toward clean power grid from the longest tenured commissioner at FERC addressing transmission build-out, wind monopolies, interconnection queue, rational economics vs regulatory precedence, and distributed vs utility scale resources.

Keynote Speaker:
Allison Clements, Commissioner, FERC

2:15pm - 3:00pm

Keynote Panel: Powering the Energy Transition Toward Carbon Goals

The rapid acceleration of the Energy Transition has created new opportunities and challenges. In this panel, we will explore what to expect next on a pathway of decarbonization marked by burgeoning demand. We will discuss the macro drivers, economic opportunity, hourly RECs, and impediments of queue reform, transmission, and reliability.

Dr. Gary Dorris
, CEO, Ascend Analytics

Guest Speakers:
Allison Clements, Commissioner, FERC
Dennis Dyc-O'Neal, Chief Operating Officer, Central Coast Community Energy
Vibhu Kaushik
, Global Head of Energy, Utilities, & Storage, Prologis
John DeAngelis, Senior Energy Director, Meta

3:00pm - 3:15pm


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3:15pm - 4:00pm

Power Procurement: Conditions & Directions for Power Purchases and Clean Energy

Review current power purchase values and trends that indicate future offtake prices along with the implications of 24x7 green on renewables, REC values, and storage. Changes to the future value of RECs will become time-sensitive (hourly) and have significant implications for choices made today. Additionally, a tightening capacity market creates additional exposure factoring into supply decisions. This session will explore, from the purchasing perspective, how to best position clean supply with an evolving future while meeting supply goals. Topics include what it takes to realize 24x7 green, offtake structures and pricing for flexible loads, market conditions and expectations for future of procurement.

Paul Eory, Director of Resource Planning, Ascend Analytics

Guest Speakers:
Rich Flanigan
, Senior Manager of Wholesale Marketing & Supply, Grant PUD
Erik Haug
, Vice President of Energy Marketing, Apex Clean Energy
Scott Wrigglesworth
, Energy Risk & Portfolio Management, Silicon Valley Clean Energy

4:00pm - 4:40pm

Resource Planning for a Low Carbon Future & Reliability

The pathways to 100% clean power require significant irreversible commitments today to realize future goals. Learn the strategic approaches, critical criteria, and supply fundamentals necessary to commit capital today and advance these goals with minimal regret. This session will also discuss what makes a clean supply portfolio robust and how the marginal cost of abatement can achieve more productive carbon reduction value beyond the power sector.

Brandon Mauch, PhD, Managing Director of Resource Planning, Ascend Analytics

Guest Speakers:
Pedram Mohseni, Senior Director of Power Supply & Fuels, Duke Energy
Jared Ellsworth, Director of Transmission, Distribution & Resource Planning, Idaho Power

4:40pm - 5:20pm

Innovations in Tax Equity Funding

Changes in tax equity and the transfer of tax credits have changed the capital stack for project financing. Merchant developers with large tax credits are challenged to meet the risk criteria of traditional tax equity. For utilities with hundreds of billions of dollars in tax equity, this session will explain how to monetize these credits through new transfer vehicles.

Gabrielle Jacques, Senior Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright

Guest Speakers:
George Barlow, Partner, Novogradac & Company
Andrew Waranch, CEO, Spearmint Energy
David Haug
, CEO, Bildmore Clean Energy

6:00pm - 8:30pm

Rooftop Networking Reception & Dinner @ Avanti

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Main Conference - Day 2 | October 1, 2024

8:00am - 9:00am


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9:00am - 10:00am

Keynote Panel: Hyper-Localized Power - Development Opportunities of the 'Bring Your Own Power' Movement

From datacenters to COOPs, loads are finding new pathways to secure clean power with less dependencies and costs through localized direct connections. Bypassing jammed interconnection queues and the economics and timing of hyper-localized power are disrupting the landscape of traditional power procurement.

Nick Devonshire, Senior Director of Investments and Capital Markets, CleanCapital

Guest Speakers:
Mark Gabriel, CEO, United Power
Richard Walsh
, CEO and Co-Founder, Madison Energy Infrastructure
Joshua Rogol
, President, Strata Clean Energy

10:00am - 10:20am

Coffee Break

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10:20am - 11:10am

Strategies for Carbon Free Energy Supply REC Market Revisions as Hourly Attributes Become Monetizable

The emerging standard of 24x7 clean creates hourly REC values and premiums for clean sundown energy and the opportunity for storage to realize REC values. With multiple approaches for around-the-clock clean energy from hourly load matching to measuring the locational marginal emissions the costs of compliance and value of hourly REC‘s change. Learn how to harness this value with corporate and utility leaders at the forefront of carbon free procurement.

Moderator: Mark Dyson, Principal, RMI

Guest Speakers:
Lena Perkins, PhD, Director of Planning & Technology, Palo Alto Utilities
Michael Leggett
, Co-Founder,
Henry Richardson
, Senior Analyst, WattTime

11:10am - 12:05pm

Breakout Sessions (A & B):

Session A: Utility & Investor Track | Revenue Insurance to Remove Downside Risk of Merchant Storage

With 1 GW of revenue insurance supporting project finance in 2024, this panel explores the economic value of tail risk protection on project returns.

Adam Hise, Managing Director of Storage Risk Solutions, Ascend Analytics

Guest Speakers:
Greg Silverberg, PhD
, SVP of Strategy & Capital Efficiency, REV Renewables
Craig Gustafson
, Associate Director of Energy Storage, Scout Clean Energy
David Stripling
, Senior Director of Origination - Energy Storage, Ormat
Christopher Giuffre
, Chief Strategy Officer, Co-Founder, USQ Risk

11:10am - 12:05pm

Session B: Asset Management Track | DA and RT Bid Optimization Strategies & Risk vs Return

The leading trading teams now rely on the predictive power of algorithmic bidding platforms, leveraging supervised and reinforced machine learning, to manage bidding for their energy storage assets. This session explores how traders integrate these new tools to maximize returns and improve risk management at their organizations.

Mike Huisenga, Managing Director of Bid Optimization, Ascend Analytics

Guest Speakers:
Daniel Casement, VP of Market Operations & Structuring, Arevon Energy
Grant McDaniel
, Director of Hybrid Engineering, Wellhead
Doug Sherman
, Chief Commercial Officer, Perfect Power
Ted James
, President, ACCURE Battery Intelligence

12:05pm - 1:30pm


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1:30pm - 2:10pm

Session A: Market Outlook | Actionable Intelligence for Energy Developers & Buyers

Transitioning from fossil to renewables holds the potential to create cycles of excess and shortages leading to depressed and extreme prices. Where, when, and how do opportunities unfold for renewables, storage, and DERs and what are the indicators of opportunity?

Brent Nelson, PhD, Managing Director of Markets & Strategy, Ascend Analytics

1:30pm - 2:10pm

Session B: Asset Management Track | Getting Your Assets to COD

Bringing storage and renewable projects through the gauntlet of commissioning is no small feat, requiring coordination between owners, service providers, and the ISO. It is possible, though, to mitigate the potential risks of delays and operational challenges. We’ll explore lessons learned and strategies to align stakeholders to drive smooth delivery, asset performance, and financial expectations.

Jeff Hartsough, Managing Director of Asset Operations, Ascend Analytics

Guest Speakers:
Bob Moye, PhD, Senior VP, Tyr Energy
Adam Nygaard
, Director of Business Development, FlexGen
Ivan Srdjevic
, Business Development Executive, Mortenson

2:10pm - 3:05pm

Session A: Asset Sales | Expectations & Direction

Irrational exuberance or carpe diem: will today's winners be tomorrow's losers? In this panel, we'll explore what are projects selling for, rationalizations, and assessment of the current market conditions for asset sales by market, state, and location. What creates sustained project value and when is it at risk?

Rahm Orenstein, Managing Director of Ascend Energy Exchange, Ascend Analytics

Guest Speakers:
John Switzer, CEO, SMT Energy
Hagen Lee, CEO, Peregrine Energy Solutions
Joe Santo,
Director of Investment, Arevon Energy
Jeff Clay
, COO, Belltown Power
Joel Vyduna
, EVP of Commercial & Technology, Key Capture Energy

2:10pm - 3:05pm

Session B: Data Centers | As a Load, Resource, Customer, and Partner

As AI adoption grows, data center load growth is expected to accelerate as well. Can we forecast the demand curve? Is it linear? Is it geospatially static? Is it entirely CFE-based? Is load balancing an offset? Is technology and design an offset? A panel of industry veterans will deep dive into everything data center to better understand the added stress on energy transition.

Paul Saferstein, Senior Advisor for Data Centers, Ascend Analytics

Guest Speakers:
Bill Stein, Executive Managing Director, Primary Digital Infrastructure
Matt Pfile
CEO, Crane Data Centers
Michael Day
, Advanced Energy Lead, Trane Technologies

3:05pm - 5:30pm

Outdoor Activities 
(Weather Permitting)

Enjoy Boulder's best local hikes with your Ascend guides.

We have two hike options: one more strenuous, and one more flat. Transportation to/from Chautauqua will be provided. If you are hiking, wear sturdy shoes and be prepared for changing weather conditions. For those not wishing to hike, we will have lawn games at Chautauqua Park.

Black Diamond: 1st/2nd Flatirons Trail
Strenuous 3.6 miles with 1,446 feet of climbing

Blue Square: Bluebell Trail to Enchanted Mesa
Moderate 2.5 miles with 500 feet of climbing

Green Square: Lawn games of Chautauqua Park
Relaxing 0.0 miles with 0 feet of climbing

Transportation Sponsored by:

5:30pm - 8:00pm

Cocktail Hour & Dinner @ Chautauqua Dining Hall

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8:00pm - 10:00pm

Optional Social Gathering @ Bohemian Biergarten

Post Conference - Day 3 | October 2, 2024

Advance your skills and market knowledge with technical sessions across the Ascend product suite.

Registration for Pre/Post Conference Workshops is required to attend.

8:00am - 9:00am


9:00am - 11:45am

Technical Sessions

Session A:

PowerSIMM for Planning & Portfolio Management

Session B:

Market Intelligence & BatterySIMM:  ISO Updates, Price Forecasting, and Product Features

Session C:

SmartBidder:  New Bidding Agent Frameworks to Maximize and Calibrate Risk-Return

Session A

PowerSIMM Planner: Weather as the New Power - Running 24/7 Clean

Brandon Mauch, PhD, Managing Director of Operations & Strategy, Ascend Analytics
Carlos Blanco, PhD
, Chief of Risk Analytics, Ascend Analytics
Zach Brode
, Director of Analytics & Strategy, Ascend Analytics
Carley Dolch
, Business Development Director, Ascend Analytics
Ben Anderson
, Resource Planning Manager, Ascend Analytics

  • Weather as the new power - running 24/7 clean
  • Portfolio management & budget tracking

Session B

Market Intelligence & BatterySIMM: ISO Updates, Price Forecasting, and Product Features

Brent Nelson, PhD, Managing Director of Markets & Strategy, Ascend Analytics
Santiago Saravia
, Renewable Energy Analyst, Ascend Analytics
Robert LaFaso
, Director of Resource Valuation, Ascend Analytics

  • Review Ascend's price forecasting aproaches and philosophies for the energy transition
  • Review BatterySIMM basic and advanced features, including resource simulations, contract settlements, interconnection queue analysis, energy communities, county-level investment rankings, and data visualizations

Session C

SmartBidder: New Bidding Agent Frameworks to Maximize and Calibrate Risk-Return

Jeff Hartsough, Managing Director of SmartBidder, Ascend Analytics
Tapas Peshin, PhD
, Manager of Bidding &Trading, Ascend Analytics
Martin Chown
, Energy Analyst, Ascend Analytics

  • Reveal our new bid optmization framework that drives differentiated risk-return
  • Introduction to SmartBidder's improved user interface via a "day in the life" example, including a demo of bidding strategy customization
  • Share how to evaluate strategy performance and manage risk, including risk policy definition


For those wishing to stay in Boulder throughout the afternoon, Ascend staff are available to be your guides to local breweries, road cycling, gravel cycling, or eBiking around town. Please notify Ascend if interested.

8:00am - 9:00am


9:00am - 12:00pm

Technical Sessions

A - PowerSIMM Planner
B - PowerSIMM Portfolio Manager
C - BatterySIMM
D - SmartBidder


For those wishing to stay in Boulder throughout the afternoon, Ascend staff are available to be your guides in local breweries, road cycling, gravel cycling, or eBiking around town. Please notify Ascend if interested.


9:00pm - 12:00pm

Session A | PowerSIMM Planner


Brandon Mauch, PhD, Director of Resource Planning Analytics; and Zach Brode, Manager of Analytics.

Session B | PowerSIMM Portfolio Manager


Scott Wrigglesworth, VP of Operations & Strategy

Session C | Market Intelligence & BatterySIMM


Brent Nelson, PhD, Managing Director of Markets & Strategy; Santiago Saravia, Renewable Energy Analyst; Robert LaFaso, Manager of Resource Valuation

Session D | SmartBidder


Jeff Hartsough, Managing Director of SmartBidder; Tapas Peshin, Manager of Bidder & Trading; Jonah Simon, Director of Battery Products Development

Ascend Speakers

Guest Speakers

Allison Clements
Adam Nygaard
Director of Business Development
George Barlow
Novogradac & Company
Greg Silverberg, PhD
SVP, Strategy & Capital Efficiency
REV Renewables
Daniel Casement
VP of Market Operations & Structuring
Arevon Energy
Mark Dyson
Mark Gabriel
United Power
Erik Hansen
Chief Sustainability Officer
Wynn Resorts
Vibhu Kaushik
Global Head of Energy, Utilities & Storage
Hagen Lee
Peregrine Energy Solutions
Pedram Mohseni
Senior Director of Power Supply & Fuels
Duke Energy
Jared Ellsworth
Resource Planning Director
Idaho Power
Lena Perkins, PhD
Director of Planning & Technology
Palo Alto Utilities
Scott Wrigglesworth
Energy Risk & Portfolio Management
Silicon Valley
Clean Energy
Dennis Dyc-O'Neal
Chief Operating Officer
Central Coast Community Energy
Henry Richardson
Senior Analyst
Doug Sherman
Chief Commercial Officer
Perfect Power
John Switzer
SMT Energy
Andrew Waranch
Spearmint Energy
Michael Leggett
Michael Day
Advanced Energy Lead
Trane Technologies
Erik Haug
VP of Energy Marketing
Apex Clean Energy
Ivan Srdjevic
Business Development
Matt Pfile
Crane Data Centers
John DeAngelis
Senior Energy Director
Christopher Giuffre
Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder
USQ Risk
Craig Gustafson
Associate Director of Energy Storage
Scout Clean Energy
Richard Walsh
CEO & Co-Founder
Madison Energy Infrastructure
Gabrielle Jacques
Senior Associate
Norton Rose Fulbright
David Stripling
Senior Director of Origination
Grant McDaniel
Director of Hybrid Engineering
Joshua Rogol
Strata Clean Energy
Bob Moye, PhD
Senior VP
Tyr Energy
Nick Devonshire
Senior Director Investments & Capital Markets
David Haug
Bildmore Clean Energy
Ted James
ACCURE Battery Intelligence
Jeff Clay
Belltown Power
Rich Flanigan
Senior Manager of Wholesale Marketing & Supply
Grant PUD
Bill Stein
Executive Managing Director
Primary Digital Infrastructure
Joe Santo
Director of Investment
Arevon Energy
Joel Vyduna
EVP of Commercial & Technology
Key Capture Energy

Companies Attending the Ascend Summit

  • 174 Power Global
  • Aardex Corporation
  • AB CarVal Investors
  • Accelergen LLC
  • ACCURE Battery Intelligence
  • Adapture Renewables
  • Advanced Power
  • Aerivus
  • AES Clean Energy
  • Aggreko
  • Agile Energy Advisors
  • Aiga Capital Partners
  • AI Power Solutions
  • Algonquin Power
  • Allium Renewable Energy
  • Alpha Energy Solutions
  • Alvarez and Marsal
  • Amazon Web Services
  • American Energy Storage Innovations
  • Ameren
  • Ampion, PBC
  • Antora Energy
  • Apex Clean Energy
  • Arc
  • Arevon Energy
  • Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure
  • Aurelian Capital Partners
  • Avantus
  • Aypa
  • Azusa Light & Water
  • BatteroTech
  • BayWa R.E.
  • Bear Peak Power
  • Belltown Power
  • Bia Energy Capital
  • Bildmore Renewables
  • Black Mountain Energy Storage
  • Blake Street Energy
  • Blueprint Power
  • Bluestem Energy Solutions
  • Brown & Brown
  • CAC Specialty
  • Calpine
  • Canadian Solar e-STORAGE
  • Capstone Infrastructure
  • Celtic Bank
  • Central Coast Community Energy
  • Chugoku Electric Power America, LLC
  • City of Azusa
  • City of Palo Alto
  • CleanCapital
  • Clean Choice
  • Colorado PUC
  • Colorado Springs Utilities
  • ConnectGen
  • Constellation
  • Convergent Energy + Power
  • Cordelio Power
  • Crane Data Centers
  • CSD Energy Advisors
  • Danske Commodities
  • Deriva Energy
  • Dichotomy Capital
  • Doral Renewables
  • Duke Energy Renewables
  • Earthrise Energy
  • East Point Energy
  • EBCE
  • EDF Renewables
  • Edge Natural Resources
  • Elda River
  • Elevate Power LLC
  • EnerSmart Storage
  • Enel
  • Enertis Applus+
  • Engie
  • Enocor
  • Eolian
  • Epic Renewables
  • EPC Power
  • Equilibrium Energy
  • ESA Solar
  • esVolta
  • E-Storage
  • Everest
  • Evolution Markets
  • Excelsior Capital
  • Exus Management Partners
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  • Ferrovial Energy
  • Flagstar Financial & Leasing
  • Flatiron Energy
  • FlexGen
  • FMI Capital Advisors
  • Form Energy
  • Galvanize Climate
  • Galehead Development
  • GCI Energy
  • General Motors
  • Glendale Water & Power
  • Goldman Sachs
  • GoodPeak
  • Google
  • Grant County Public Utility District
  • Great River Energy
  • Grenergy USA
  • GridFlex by SK
  • GridStor
  • Guzman Energy
  • Hecate Energy
  • Hecate Grid
  • Idaho Power Company
  • Idemitsu Renewables
  • Innergex
  • Inyarek
  • IOWN Renewable Energy
  • Javelin Capital
  • JERA
  • Jupiter Power
  • Key Capture Energy
  • KeyBanc Capital Markets
  • Kimmeridge Energy LLC
  • KKR
  • Lansing BWL
  • Leyline Renewable Capital
  • LG Energy Solutions Vertech
  • Lightshift Energy
  • Lincoln International
  • Live Oak Bank
  • Lockton
  • Macro Grid Solutions
  • Madison Energy Infrastructure
  • Madison Energy Investments
  • MAN Energy Solutions
  • META
  • Middle River Power
  • Mindspring
  • Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc
  • Mitsui & Co. Energy Marketing and Services
  • Momentum Energy Storage Partners
  • Mortenson
  • Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska
  • National Grid Renewables
  • Neely Clay Energy
  • Nephila Climate
  • New Energy Risk
  • New Leaf Energy
  • New Project Media
  • New York Power Authority
  • Nexamp
  • NextEra Energy Resources
  • NextVolt
  • Norton Rose Fulbright
  • Novogradac & Company
  • NREL
  • Omaha Public Power District
  • On Energy
  • OneEnergy Renewables
  • Origis
  • Ormat
  • Passkey, Inc
  • Pathway Power
  • Peninsula Clean Energy
  • Perceptive Power
  • Peregrine Energy Solutions
  • Perfect Power
  • Piper Sandler
  • Pivot Energy
  • Platte River Power Authority
  • Plus Power
  • Powin Energy Corporation
  • Prevalon
  • Primary Digital Infrastructure
  • Primergy Solar
  • Prologis
  • PureSky US Services
  • QCells
  • Redaptive Capital
  • Recurrent
  • Redeux Energy
  • Renewable Energy Services
  • Repsol
  • RES Group
  • REV Renewables
  • RMI
  • Rubicon Technology Partners
  • RWE
  • Sabre Ltd
  • Safe Ridge Capital
  • Samsung
  • San Diego Community Power
  • San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
  • San Jose Clean Energy
  • Savion Energy
  • Scout Clean Energy
  • SEI
  • Silverpeak Renewables
  • SK Group
  • Skylar Capital
  • SMT Energy
  • SOFOS Power
  • Softbank Energy
  • Solarstone Finance
  • Sonoma Clean Power
  • Southern Power Company
  • Spearmint Energy
  • Stella Energy Solutions
  • Strata Clean Energy
  • StoutPower Consulting, LLC
  • Sun Tribe Development
  • SunCode Energy
  • Sunraycer Renewables
  • Sunrise Mountain Partners
  • SVCE
  • Syrcuit
  • Taaleri Energia
  • TED Renewables
  • Tenaska
  • TerraVerde Energy Capital
  • TotalEnergies
  • Trane US Inc
  • Traverse City Light & Power
  • Treaty Oak Clean Energy
  • Trina Solar
  • True Green Capital
  • Turlock Irrigation District (TID)
  • Twaice
  • Tyr Energy
  • UBS
  • Ultra Capital
  • Unicorn Energy
  • United Power, Inc
  • Urban Grid
  • US Bank
  • Urban Grid
  • US Bank
  • USQ Risk
  • Valta Energy
  • VC Renewables
  • Vesper Energy
  • Vitis Energy
  • Voltility
  • Wartsila
  • Wellhead
  • WestRock
  • Winfield Japan Co., Ltd
  • World Kinect Energy Services
  • Wynn Resorts
  • Xcel Energy
  • X-Elio
  • Yelia Energy
  • Zenobe Americas Inc.
  • Zelestra