Better Models. Better Decisions.

Power market intelligence.
Renewable transition insights.

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Sept 30 - Oct 2 in Boulder, Colorado!

Analytics to Power the Energy Transition

Product Brochure

Ascend provides critical insights to steward capital investments and manage operations. Our advanced software & consulting services capture the new dynamics of energy markets, from real-time operations to long-term planning, to optimize electric power supply.

Linking Physical & Financial

Advanced Solutions:
Linking Physical & Financial

By integrating physical conditions with financial outcomes, our solutions provide the insights necessary for navigating the energy transition.

Ascend Webinars & Events

More Events >

WECC Release: Stuck in the Middle with You - A Tale of 2 Competing Markets | Online August 1, 2024

Unlocking REC & Carbon Value with Locational Marginal Emissions (LME) | Online August 22, 2024

Ascend Summit 2024 | IN PERSON EVENT: September 30 - October 2, 2024 | Boulder, Colorado

No Upcoming Webinars - Check Back Soon!

Ascend Values Our Clients

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Ascend supports multiple industries including: utilities, merchant operators, corporates, electric retailers, investors, banks, and developers.

Ascend News & Insights

Providing critical insights for utilities, developers and financiers to navigate the energy transition.

Our capable team has decades of experience at the forefront of the energy transition


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Our webinars uncover hidden energy market dynamics and important trends


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The Ascend Advantage

Ready Analytics

"Ready to Roll" analytics and preconfigured models for any region or node


Critical insights for portfolio management in a high renewables future


Our expertise includes planning, valuation, risk management & ISO operations

The Ascend Advantage

Ready Analytics

"Ready to Roll" analytics and preconfigured models for any region or node


Critical insights for portfolio management in a high renewables future


Our expertise includes planning, valuation, risk management & ISO operations