The new market dynamics require new models and services to manage increasing uncertainty and variability. Ascend brings decades of industry experience in Integrated Resource Planning. PowerSIMM provides best-in-class analysis to accurately model the incorporation of more renewables, flexible generation, energy-limited storage resources and load flexibility.
Ascend works with utilities throughout the US to develop innovative resource plans that balance the need to add renewables with corresponding integration technologies such as batteries, including insight into sub-hourly operations.
Our models, insights and experts will customize your energy portfolio to meet your business objectives and to establish a balanced, forward-looking energy resource mix.
Partnering with Ascend's consultants means access to our advanced modeling capabilities, including:
Capturing the relationship between weather and volatility in renewable generation loads & energy prices
Calculating reliability and flexibility metrics with simulated weather & outages
Finding the least-cost path to comply with RPS and GHG requirements
Incorporating the effects of energy efficiency, electric vehicles, and demand response programs into resource plans
Performing capacity expansion studies with automated resource selection under uncertainty
Planning for NERC RBC and CPS-2 compliance by balancing renewables with flexible resources using minutely-level data
Reliability planning expert testimony
Analysis for defensible resource retirement decisions and optimal replacement portfolios
Facilitation of stakeholder workshops
Avoided cost studies for regulatory proceedings
Request for proposal implementation and evaluation for power resources, including DERs
Long-term fundamentals-based forecasts for power prices, including sub-hourly prices.
Development of Integrated Resource Plans from end to end
On July 14, 2017, after multiple attempts and much stakeholder input, the Hawaiian Public Utilities Commission accepted HECO's Ascend-advised PSIP. According to Todd Kanja, System Planning General Manager at HECO, this success,"...certainly could not have [been] achieved... without the efforts and contributions from the team at Ascend."
Ascend established "industry best practices" in NorthWestern's resource plan, providing detailed modeling, writing, and expert testimony at the Public Service Commission proceeding in the Montana SupremeCourt.
Ascend examined an important planning challenge, including resource adequacy needs, RPS mandates, carbon emission goals, and risk metric objectives in Riverside's Integrated Resource Plan.
Duke relies on Ascend to help determine the net benefits of new renewable projects and resource mixes within a large portfolio.
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power uses Ascend'sPowerFlex tool to determine how additional renewable capacity will impact their flexibility and reliability requirements.
Ascend simulated Turlock Irrigation District's (TID) system at the minutely level to quantify the net benefits of joining CAISO's Energy Imbalance Market, leading to TID joining the EIM.
"Ready to Roll" analytics and preconfigured models for any region or node
Critical insights for portfolio management in a high renewables future
Our expertise includes planning, valuation, risk management & ISO operations