Renewable & Storage Procurement in CA

Renewable & Storage Procurement in CA: 2021 was a big year for renewable and storage procurement in California. Community Choice Aggregators continued to take the lead in seeking power purchase agreements for renewable energy and battery storage in CAISO, driven by internal goals for annual and 24-7 clean energy as well as state mandates following the Mid-Term Reliability (MTR) Order. In this webinar, Ascend's clean energy procurement experts will discuss their take aways from 2021 including: - What is the effect of inflation and supply chain bottlenecks on PPA prices? - What goes into an offer valuation (price vs value and qualitative assessment)? - What kinds of projects (and where) are winning in the market? - How is long-duration storage faring as a new product? - How will California utilities fulfill the 'baseload' clean energy requirements of the MTR? - Where is the market going in 2022 and beyond? Clients please email for the free full video.

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