Clean Power Alliance Clean Energy and Reliability Request for Offer


Case Studies


In 2019, Ascend partnered with Clean Power Alliance (CPA), California's largest Community Choice Aggregator covering most of Los Angeles County, to run two RFOs: A Clean Energy RFO for renewable energy and a reliability RFO for stand-alone storage.

  • Leveraged Ascend's advanced analytics tools to generate energy market value and resource adequacy value estimates that quickly identified the most economic and least risk projects for selection and negotiation. Ascend quantified value from both day-ahead and real-time energy market revenues, ancillary service revenues, and avoided resource adequacy procurement.
  • The Clean Energy RFO received over 100 offers including wind, solar and storage hybrid, geothermal, small hydro, and biofuel projects. Ascend evaluated and rank-ordered the most economic projects for CPA to procure 1-2 million megawatt-hours (MWh) annually of clean renewable energy.
  • The Reliability RFO received 70 offers for 46 stand-alone battery projects. Ascend used its leading analytics tools to quickly calculate the economic value of each project to derive CPA's short list of projects for negotiation.
  • Developed tools to automate the screening and evaluation of qualitative project criteria, in addition to economic valuation
  • Provided a complete end-to-end service, including marketing, bidder communication, administration, and project valuations
  • Used Ascend-generated forecasts of day-ahead and real-time electricity prices, including capture of key fundamental changes in CAISO price dynamics such as increased volatility, changing price shapes, and evolving basis risk.
  • Used extensive process automation to quickly screen projects and provide useful information in a timely manner.