
CAISO 5.1 Forecast Preview: The Calm Before the Storm

May 16, 2024

2023 proved to be an anomalous year for electricity prices in CAISO, driven by an unlikely combination of mild summer weather, abundant hydro generation, low gas prices, and an absence of heat waves.


NYISO and ISO-NE Forecast Preview: On Again Off (Shore) Again Relationships

April 10, 2024

Despite aggressive clean energy mandates in New York and the New England states, cost concerns have begun to test policy commitments. Rising peak demand, increasing capacity prices, a shift to winter peaks, and a scarcity of capacity resources further complicates the renewable energy development outlook in New York ISO (NYISO) and New England ISO (ISO-NE).


Hedge Optimization and Risk Management for Energy Retailers

April 2, 2024

A growing number of solar-plus-storage developers are exploring hedge contracts as alternatives to power purchase agreements for their projects, as it becomes evident that such over-the-counter trades can provide significantly better early-year returns than traditional longer term off take arrangements.

Soaring load growth, rapidly increasing electricity demand, and significant additions of intermittent renewable resources to the supply stack have produced observable shifts in real-time price peaks and associated high volatility.


New Revenue Insurance to Remove Downside Risk of Merchant Storage

March 21, 2024

Batteries are uniquely poised to earn supernormal returns during the energy transition. However, the long-term uncertainty of storage value, as well as the variability of revenue capture by storage, can challenge the ability of low-risk, low-cost investors to provide the capital needed to accelerate renewable energy storage deployment across the U.S.


Storage Bid Optimization: Maximizing Value and Emissions Reductions

March 4, 2024

Substantial opportunities exist for merchant storage projects to capitalize on renewable-driven volatility in energy markets, especially in CAISO and ERCOT, which are projected to grow at 20% through 2029.  


Power Portfolios: Reducing Risk and Optimizing Value, Sustainability

February 8, 2024

The reality of weather as the new fuel driving power market volatility necessitates an active approach to energy portfolio risk management. In a recent Portfolio Management webinar, Scott Wrigglesworth, Vice President of Operations & Strategy for Ascend Analytics, and Dr. Carlos Blanco, Managing Director of Risk Management & ESG for Ascend Analytics, discuss how Ascend active portfolio management facilitates well-informed decisions that optimize value over time, reduce financial risk, and improve the ability to monitor progress toward environmental goals.


Reliability Planning: Weather-Correlated Models Ensure Resource Adequacy & Maximize Value

January 15, 2024

Resource planners must ensure resource adequacy and maximize economic value with the energy transition. Because a greater portion of energy supply flows from renewables and battery storage, maintaining reliability requires more advanced reliability planning that captures the impact of weather on unit outages, energy production, and transmission lines.


Late-Stage Project Values and Renewable Energy PPAs

January 3, 2024

Synthesizing the PPA market, Ascend concludes the bull market for clean energy suppliers continues with increases in prices across all U.S. power markets. Project delays and procurement mandates combine to stretch timelines and fall short of swelling market demand.


Low Prices and High Volatility: Renewable Energy and Storage Development Outlook in SPP

December 20, 2023

Southwest Power Pool (SPP) presents multiple renewable energy opportunities for off-takers, developers, and utilities. With 20% load growth during the past eight years and 6 GW of announced coal retirements (reflecting nearly 25% of coal capacity), SPP has immediate capacity needs.


Increasing Early-Stage Project Success in a Highly Competitive Renewable Energy M&A Landscape

December 13, 2023

Renewable energy project developers and offtakers face a rapidly changing landscape when it comes to mergers and acquisitions (M&A).


Maximizing Revenue Streams for Storage Projects During the Energy Transition

November 20, 2023

Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewables holds the potential to create cycles of excess and shortages in electricity supply, leading to both depressed and extreme prices. These dynamics lead to opportunities for batteries. At the Ascend Summit 2023, Dr. Brent Nelson, Managing Director of Markets and Strategy for Ascend Analytics, and Santiago Saravia, Renewable Energy Analyst for Ascend Analytics, considered various future revenue streams available to batteries, discussing market outlooks for energy arbitrage opportunities, ancillary services, and capacity markets, as well as tax credit opportunities available through the Inflation Reduction Act.

Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewables holds the potential to create cycles of excess and shortages in electricity supply, leading to both depressed and extreme prices.


Operating a Renewable Energy Storage Asset: Risks and Challenges

November 18, 2023

In a rapidly shifting renewable energy landscape, successfully operating battery storage assets offers significant opportunities, risks, and challenges related to resource adequacy, cost, regulation, and quality assurance.

In a rapidly shifting renewable energy landscape, successfully operating battery storage assets offers significant opportunities, risks, and challenges related to resource adequacy, cost, regulation, and quality assurance.


Reshaping Approaches to Energy Integration and Grid Reliability: The Promise of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology, Extended-Duration Storage

November 17, 2023

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology and extended-duration storage look more promising than ever. These technologies have the maturity, scalability, and cost-effectiveness needed to make a substantial impact on reducing carbon emissions and enhancing the reliability of renewable energy grids.

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology and extended-duration storage look more promising than ever.


Accurate Models, Accurate Forecasts: Improving Resource Adequacy Planning

November 16, 2023

Navigating the energy transition requires innovation both in terms of technology and methodology.


Navigating Electricity Procurement Challenges During the Energy Transition

November 15, 2023

Electricity procurement challenges require anything but one-size-fits-all solutions. Diverse regions and organizations confront unique hurdles as they work toward meeting energy objectives while maintaining reliability.

Electricity procurement challenges require anything but one-size-fits-all solutions.


Addressing Risk, Preserving Profitability in the Storage Sector: Navigating the Intricate Web of Risk Management, Revenue Structuring, and Insurance

November 14, 2023

For the renewable energy storage industry to continue to grow and thrive, decision makers must address risk while preserving profitability.

For the renewable energy storage industry to continue to grow and thrive, decision makers must address risk while preserving profitability.


Managing Uncertainty and Leveraging Diversity: Risks and Opportunities for Developers in a Volatile Renewables and Storage Market

November 13, 2023

The increasingly volatile renewables and storage (RS) development market presents significant risks and opportunities for developers.

The increasingly volatile renewables and storage (RS) development market presents significant risks and opportunities for developers.


Balancing Cost and Reliability: Strategies for Moving Toward a Carbon-Free Energy Supply

November 10, 2023

Throughout California, aggressive climate legislation has set the stage for carbon-free planning (CFP). Despite challenges related to affordability and reliability, CFP has generated widespread community enthusiasm throughout the Golden State, pushing Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) and municipal utilities to implement even more aggressive climate goals.

Throughout California, aggressive climate legislation has set the stage for carbon-free planning (CFP). Despite challenges related to affordability and reliability, CFP has generated widespread community enthusiasm throughout the Golden State, pushing Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) and municipal utilities to implement even more aggressive climate goals.


Renewable Asset Valuation and M&A Activity: Keys for Navigating a Rapidly Shifting Market Landscape

November 9, 2023

As the renewable and storage industry matures, asset valuations continue to shift in response to major changes in policy and macroeconomic outlook.

As the renewable and storage industry matures, asset valuations continue to shift in response to major changes in policy and macroeconomic outlook.


Diversify to Decarbonize: Strategies for Meeting Renewable Energy Procurement Challenges

November 8, 2023

Corporate decision makers face an increasingly complex landscape when it comes to sustainable energy procurement.

Corporate decision makers face an increasingly complex landscape when it comes to sustainable energy procurement.


Managing Expected Load Growth: Adopting A New 'Lens' for Resource Planning Methodologies

November 7, 2023

November 7, 2023

In an era of oversubscribed interconnection queues, gridlocked transmission, and increasingly complex load modellling, the electric industry will have to adopt a new lens to meet the ever-growing demand of a grid increasingly fueled by clean energy.

In an era of oversubscribed interconnection queues, gridlocked transmission, and increasingly complex load modellling, the electric industry will have to adopt a new lens to meet the ever-growing demand of a grid increasingly fueled by clean energy.


Realizing the Energy Transition | Ascend Summit 2023 Opening Address

October 18, 2023

October 18, 2023

Boulder, Colorado

The opening address of the Ascend Summit, delivered by Dr. Gary Dorris, CEO & President of Ascend Analytics.

The Ascend Summit brings together prominent electric power experts to offer fresh perspectives on wholesale electricity.


ACC Public Hearing

November 18, 2021

In this video, David Millar presents the results of the proposed Arizona Energy Rules cost analysis, performed in conjunction with the three investor-owned utilities in Arizona. Mr. Millar shows the costs of the clean energy pathway are modest compared to a business-as-usual approach, but also that innovation is needed to rein in costs of decarbonizing the last 20 percent of emissions.

In this video, David Millar presents the results of the proposed Arizona Energy Rules cost analysis, performed in conjunction with the three investor-owned utilities in Arizona. Mr. Millar shows the costs of the clean energy pathway are modest compared to a business-as-usual approach, but also that innovation is needed to rein in costs of decarbonizing the last 20 percent of emissions.

Watch Video


Dr. Gary Dorris in 'Meet the Experts'

October 4, 2019

In this 'Meet the Experts' video, Dr. Gary Dorris discusses the importance of assessing Tuolumne river flow in sustaining economic livelihood for Turlock Irrigation District.

In this 'Meet the Experts' video, Dr. Gary Dorris discusses the importance of assessing Tuolumne river flow in sustaining economic livelihood for Turlock Irrigation District.


Dr. Gary Dorris presents IRP to City of Glendale

July 27, 2019

City of Glendale

Dr. Gary Dorris, CEO of Ascend Analytics, presents Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to Glendale City Council on July 27, 2019 with storage, renewables, and internal combustion engines, resulting in 5-0 approval.


Caithness Energy Testimony

February 9, 2019

Dr. Gary Dorris, President of Ascend Analytics, provides "Avoided Cost Testimony" in a public hearing in Helena, Montana.


Ascend CEO Dr Gary Dorris talks Flexible Generation

August 1, 2016


NorthWestern Energy Testimony - Part 2

July 10, 2014

Gary Dorris, Ph.D provides testimony for NorthWestern Energy


NorthWestern Energy Testimony - Part 1

July 9, 2014

Gary Dorris, Ph.D provides testimony for NorthWestern Energy


Leaders in CTRM Technology - Dr Gary Dorris

July 25, 2012

In the latest video of CommodityPoint's Leaders in CTRM Technology series, Dr. Gary Dorris, President of Ascend Analytics discusses "bridging the chasm" between physical assets and traditional, financial-centric energy trading, and shares his views on how the asset heavy market needs will evolve in the coming years.

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Ascend Analytics Renewables & Storage Workshop | June 6-7, 2024

Online | 10:00am - 2:00pm MT

June 6, 2024

PJM Release 4.2 Preview: An Exercise in Trust(ing the Market) | May 22, 2024

Online | 11am MT

May 22, 2024

Next Generation Battery Storage Revenue Modeling & Asset Valuation | May 9, 2024

Online Webinar | 11:00AM MT

May 9, 2024

CAISO Forecast 5.1 Preview: The Calm Before the Storm | April 30, 2024

Online Webinar | 11:00AM MT

April 30, 2024

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